BGBRG Fürstenfeld

So fern und doch so nah: Erasmus in Portugal

Einige Schüler(innen) verbrachten im Rahmen eines Erasmusprojektes eine Woche in São João da Madeira, Portugal. Während dieser Zeiten wurde nicht nur in die Kultur des Landes erkundet, sondern es entstanden auch einige neue Freundschaften. Das berichten die Jugendlichen selbst davon:

We started out journey extremely early on Wednesday, May 3rd. After our arrival we participated in some special activities and met our host families. The most unusual aspect was the daily rhythm of our Portuguese friends. Not only did school start more than an hour later, but our dinners took place at around nine or ten p.m. Our days were full of entertaining activities with Portuguese and German students such as a Peddy-paper, a cooking workshop and other team building games. During our breaks we enjoyed playing volleyball and chatting with our international friends. After school we spent our free time with our host siblings in the park, at the mall or simply at home.

Apart from that we went on some trips. We especially liked spending the day in Aveiro where we visited the traditional ceramics factory Vista Alegre, attended a workshop of the Portuguese dessert Ovos Moles and hung out at the beach.

On Sunday, the majority of us visited Porto or met further family members and thereby gained knowledge of Portuguese traditions. Some of us even went surfing.

In addition we celebrated the „Europe Day“ in Leiria where we took part in various activities.

After tearful goodbyes we returned to Austria with great memories and many new friends.

Emma Walitsch, Klara Gartner, Anna Rappold, Viktoria Glasner, Sophie Zapf, Caroline Eder

Further comments by fellow students:

Maximilian Koglmann: Although we knew most of the people from our last exchanges, new friendships were made.

Maya Fandl: It was a great opportunity to gain insight into a new culture.

Lev Reicher & Marie Merey: I needed to get used to the water. The water wasn’t mouth-watering.

Magdalena Hafner: The trips were great.

Aregash Schneider: The host families were all friendly and welcoming.

Johanna Maier: Thanks to Erasmus I made many new friends.

Manuel Sticher: Saying goodbye was hard for everyone.

Caroline Eder: I got lucky with my great host family.

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