Erasmus… von neuen Erfahrungen zu Ideen und Kompetenzen
Erasmusprojekte ermöglichen Schülerinnen und Schülern sowie Lehrpersonen nicht nur interkulturellen Austausch, sondern dienen auch der Entwicklung inspirierender Ideen. Aufgrund neuer Sichtweisen und Erfahrungen wird ein weltoffenerer Zugang sowohl in beruflichen als auch in privaten Lebensbereichen gefördert. Derartige Kompetenzen sind in einer Zeit, welche von Globalisierung geprägt ist, unerlässlich. Außerdem stärken sie wichtige Eigenschaften für menschliches Miteinander, zum Beispiel Respekt, Toleranz, und kommunikative Fähigkeiten.
Was sagen unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler der 6ab, die beim Austausch in Viernheim dabei waren, zu ihren Erfahrungen? Hier ihre Eindrücke.
We started our trip at 10:25am at the airport in Graz. The journey went well and we arrived at 3:30pm in Viernheim. We were welcomed by a greeting committee and the principal. Some of us already met their host families while the others stayed at the school’s boarding house. On the first day, we were put into four groups: energy, water, food and consumables. We participated in different workshops and after a lunch break, we went to Mannheim. On Saturday we visited Heidelberg. While walking along the Philosophenweg, we passed some enormous villas. Mr. Gazelle told us a lot about the city’s history. After lunch we visited one of the oldest funiculars in Germany and took a ride to the top of the „Königsstuhl“ hill.
On our fourth day in Germany, everybody took part in individual activities with their host families. Some of us went hiking, visited Frankfurt or went to an attraction park.
On Monday, the fifth day, the groups continued their workshops and presentations about sustainability. Right after that, we had a sports lesson where we played football and handball. On Tuesday we started the day off with a last workshop and presented our findings afterwards. Around noon, we headed off to the Bouldering Centre Mannheim, where we spent a great afternoon.
The last day began with the remaining two presentations. Alya’s suitcase broke and we handed it and all of the others to the bus driver, who brought them to Mannheim. We toured the city’s art gallery and headed to the train station at noon.
All in all, it was a superb trip.